“Robots,” an exhibit of intergalactic proportions, lands at the Macon Arts Alliance on First Friday, October 2 with a reception from 5-8 p.m. Paintings by Thomas Sanders and ceramics by Michael Klapthor will be on display through October 31. For both artists, the exhibit is an ode to limitless possibilities and the unconventional. Admission is always free and open to the public.
Untainted by commercialism, Thomas Sanders aims to capture other worldly imagery playing by his own rules. Sanders hold two degrees; a BFA in graphic design and a Bachelor’s in art education from the University of Georgia. He’s worked as a freelancer and instructor, however he comes alive with a brush in his hand focusing on texture, color, and composition of far away galaxies.
“The robot paintings are based on a genderless, race less group of anthropomorphic beings living in a post-apocalyptic environment,” states Sanders. “Visually they evolved from a group of small watercolor sketches and figure drawings I did for a graphic design class at the University of Georgia. The larger paintings, however, are inspired by abstract expressionist and color field paintings by Mark Rothko and Wolf Kahn. They also evolved from the line work and landscapes present in the robot paintings.
Michael Klapthor’s ceramics illicit romantic tales from the future using “physicality to convey thoughts and emotions.” Nostalgia and innovation resonate throughout his work, while maintaining lightheartedness and a sense of humor.
“In my current series, I’m using altered forms from the wheel as my sole building material to construct sculptures that have a 1950’s science fiction aesthetic,” states Klapthor. “The robots are an attempt at social commentary on humanity through their expressions and body language.”
Klapthor is currently on staff at MudFire – Atlanta’s Pottery Studio in Decatur. He teaches sculpture classes at both Callanwolde Fine Art Center and Chastain Art Center.